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FIFA deletes a tweet about Messi that angered Ronaldo fans

Screenshots revealed video What happened in the dressing room of the French national team between the two halves of the final match of the World Cup in Qatar, when the result indicated that the “Roosters” were down by two net goals against Argentina.

Argentine star Lionel Messi scored the first goal for Argentina from a penalty kick which his teammate Angel Di Maria got after interference from Osman Dembele.

Then Messi’s teammates scored the second goal on a counterattack, which Di Maria successfully completed into the French net before halftime.

And in clips video published by the network Telepede French sports, the young French star, Kylian Mbappe appeared enthusiastic about his colleagues and assured them of the possibility of returning to the result.

In the video, Mbappé can be heard saying in French: “Let’s go back on the pitch, or let them play or push a little harder and get into duels and do something different guys. This is the World Cup final.”

“It happened, they scored two goals, we are two goals behind. We can come back! Guys, this is something that only happens once every four years.”

For his part, French coach Didier Deschamps told his players: “Do you know what the difference is? The difference is that they play the bloody World Cup final, while we don’t.”

Indeed, France managed to get back to 2-2 in just two minutes, as Mbappé first scored from a penalty kick, and then scored the second goal some 90 seconds later.

The match extended into two extra periods, in which Argentina again advanced with Messi’s foot, before Mbappé also equalized from a penalty kick.

The thrilling match ended in a penalty shootout, which ended in favor of Messi’s teammates 4-3, to be crowned world champions for the third time in their country’s history.

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