Home » today » Sport » Färjestad Recruits Victor Brattström from HV71 to Address Goalkeeper Injuries

Färjestad Recruits Victor Brattström from HV71 to Address Goalkeeper Injuries

Updated 10.12 | Published 10.04



Färjestad has problems with injuries to its goalkeepers.

According to information to Sportbladet, they are now recruiting Victor Brattström, 26, from HV71.

During the autumn, Färjestad had the league’s strongest goalkeeper pair when Carl Lindbom and Max Lagace took turns playing big. But in recent weeks both have had injury problems and Färjestad has been forced to borrow different goalkeepers.

But now a goalkeeper is coming in to secure the goalkeeper’s side.

It is about HV71’s Victor Brattström, who became redundant when the Jönköping club signed Frederik Dichow from Frölunda. The Dane in turn became redundant when Frölunda recruited the Finn Frans Tuohimaa.

There has been speculation in both Brynäs and Björklöven for Brattström, but that will not be the case.

According to information to Sportbladet, Brattström should not be on loan to Färjestad but a pure transfer.

HV71 has also gone out and thanked its goalkeeper.

The matches between Christmas and New Year became a nightmare for Färjestad where first Max Lagace and then Carl Lindbom were injured.

The fact that Färjestad is now bringing in Brattström indicates that one of them is more seriously injured.


full screen Photo: Mikael Fritzon/TT / Mikael Fritzon
2024-01-11 09:05:08
#Färjestad #recruits #HV71

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