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Family barbecue ended with 14 infections by coronavirus: One of them died

In the state of Texas, United States, By the end of April a lack of confidence had begun, with reopening of shops and restaurants. This process encouraged several inhabitants to reunite with their relatives and loved ones. that they didn’t see weeks or maybe months ago.

It was in this context that Tony Green with his wife, They decided to invite several of their relatives and friends to a barbecue at a restaurant they chose. Without a doubt, it seemed an ideal instance to meet again and share.

Unfortunately, everything ended badly: 14 infected by COVID-19 and with the recent death of one of them. A sad postcard that is repeated in that state and in many more of the North American territory.

Also read: COVID-19 infections spike in Spain and controversy breaks out for nightlife

“My father-in-law started getting sick on July 13 and this could go on. We don’t know how many more weeks it can go on like this. I thought everything was going to be fine and we were already getting out of this“The man told the US media, commenting that his wife and parents are also ill.

The country with the most infections in the world has seen strong outbreaks of the pandemic after stages of controlled mobility have been announced in several cities. Texas currently registers figures close to 10,000 daily infections, something that has their hospitals collapsed.

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These reasons show the US far from having something close to a control over the pandemic, an event that has provoked strong criticism of the president. Donald Trump. Even, this would be happening the account to him in the presidential race, with the reflection of polls that give preference to rival Joe Biden.

The truth is that the story of citizens like Tony Green brings to the table one of the great fears when it comes to thinking about a return to normality: outbreaks of the disease. And if we extrapolate it to Chile, the test in our country is soon to begin, with the first stages of social discontent in some communes of Santiago.

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