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fall in love with Play during the wedding season

With spring comes April and May. Two months mainly known not only for the budding of flowers, but also for the emergence of the amor. It is during this season when many couples decide to give each other ‘yes, I want’ at the altar and promise eternal love. So, since RTVE Play We only have to tell you one thing: Marry me! And no, it is not a marriage proposal, but rather a cinema proposal to spend the weekend. What better way to celebrate the wedding season that with a good romantic comedy? And if it stars Jennifer Lopez, Maluma and Owen Wilsonbetter than better!

Synopsis of Marry me

Music superstars: Kat Valdez (Jennifer López) and Bastian (Maluma) are getting married in front of a global audience of fans. But when Kat finds outseconds before saying their wedding vows, that Bastian has been unfaithfulTake it decision to marry Charlie (Owen Wilson), a complete stranger who was among the spectators at his long-awaited ceremony.

‘Marry me’, Jlo and Maluma united on the big screen

Directed by Kat Coiro, complete the distribution of this tape Sarah Silverman, John Bradley (Game of Thrones, The three body problem) y Chloe Colemanamong others. Marry me is already part of the RTVE Play film catalogfree and onlinewhich this week releases titles like to the pain, Casino Royale, Uncharted, A private matter, Happy 140 y The Pan’s Labyrinth.

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