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Fall depression: how to resist better?

“It’s important to differentiate between this unpleasant feeling, which is very common, and a mood disturbance that lasts, sets in and needs treatment,” underlines Michel Lejoyeux, professor at the University of Paris and head of the department of psychiatry and addictology Bichat-Beaujon. The cases where the decrease in sunshine is at the origin of a true depressive illness are extremely rare. “

True “seasonal affective disorder” affects less than 5% of the population. “It’s a bipolar disorder that occurs with the arrival of theautumn or winter. he is recognized by loss of envy, guilt, slowing down and major sadness. “

Move rather than cocoon

For the classic slack, don’t panic, solutions exist: “We have within our reach of small natural antidepressants”, continues the author of the book The four seasons of good humor. Sport and its endorphins are one of them. “One of the dangers of grayness is to respond to it with a sedentary lifestyle. We did sport or physical activity quite naturally in the good weather, we have to keep this habit even when the weather is not suitable ”, advises the psychiatrist. Of course, running in the rain does not have the same flavor as in the sun, but it is enough to adapt the nature of the activity to the season. “One study has shown that walking six minutes briskly increases the level of good mood by 30%. “

Ban some fake friends

“We naturally want to take refuge with false friends like alcohol, for example. However, the consolation it provides does not last. By drowning gray weather in a glass, the opposite effect is obtained. Alcohol worsens negative emotions and can even lead to real depressive illness. ” Taking refuge in sweets is less serious but also to be banned.

An hour in broad daylight

Nothing better than a little light in a dark day to feel better. “When the outside light is low, it’s important to be in well-lit rooms. Without this, there is no longer any alternation between night and day. ” Gardening, walking, taking the dog out… The opportunities to go out must remain daily. “It’s good to be able to spend an hour a day in full light”, underlines the Parisian psychiatrist again.

For a simple reason: the vitamin D produced under the influence of UV rays is essential. “This vitamin ensures the proper functioning of neurons which carry positive emotions. We risk producing less when the light drops. Concretely, to compensate, we must eat foods rich in vitamin D, such as fish. If this is not enough, an ampoule may be needed, after medical advice. “

Cultivate optimism

Finally, it is necessary not to indulge in pessimism. Even more in times of health crisis. “We must already be sufficiently vigilant with the pandemic. No need, moreover, to believe that you are suffering from a devastating depression because the weather is not so good … “

Studies have shown it for other risks, recalls the specialist: “The more pessimistic you are, the less confidence you have in your ability to resist danger. Paradoxically, it takes a certain optimism and a little self-confidence to wear the mask all day and accept the recommendations of the experts. ” Michel Lejoyeux has made this the theme of his new book: The four times of rebirth will deal precisely with our capacities to resist and how to be reborn after this unprecedented period.

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