Home » today » Entertainment » Falconry is the art of training raptors to hunt free animals in their natural environment. Passion where they exist. Falconry: art and passion

Falconry is the art of training raptors to hunt free animals in their natural environment. Passion where they exist. Falconry: art and passion

The art of falconry is one of the most ancient forms of hunting and was declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, by UNESCO, as it is considered one of the oldest traditional hunting methods, selective with hunting prey, non-polluting and respectful with the environment.

Falconry It is the art of training raptors to hunt free animals in their natural environment. Passion where they exist.

It has a great tradition in our country and is practiced in all the Autonomous Communities and in more than 70 countries, which is why, today, it is the modality with the largest number of adhered countries. It is simple and exciting to go through its history by reviewing medieval writings, artistic representations in stained glass windows, tapestries, paintings, sculptures and plays.

However, falconry is a minority activity. Its practice requires a lot of time, dedication and resources that only a few fans keep this ancient tradition alive. Its reward is not so much in the prey obtained (hopefully one a day, to feed the bird), as in the emotions and values ​​that are developed. The bird must reach and maintain full physical and mental capacities. The uncertainty of the moment of the attack, the place where the piece is going to come out, its sighting, persecution …, develop in the falconer skills for hunting and values ​​that ennoble him such as dedication, altruism, perseverance, commitment. The difficulty in hunting that the wild bird presents, determines the degree of excellence achieved by the falconer.

In our country, traditionally they have been used Native species such as the Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus, the Goshawk, Accipiter gentilis or the Hawk, Accipiter nisus.

Becoming a falconer involves so many sacrifices and unforeseen events that it is preferable to know them before acquiring a bird. There are basic and traditional rules regarding the use of each species by falconers.

When choosing one bird or another, different factors must be taken into account: the orography of the scene in which it hunts and the species present in it, the time you are willing to dedicate to its training and handling …

The main decision that anyone who wants to start practicing falconry has to make is the bird to use. Not all are worth depending on what for. We must assess well and take into account the bird that in the end will become our companion in this new experience. Thus:

The azores: they are used mainly for low flight. Their prey range from the feather to the hair. Depending on whether we choose female or male and its size, it can be used to hunt some prey or others. They are complicated in handling and you have to know how to handle their point of aggressiveness and distrust. They require a lot of training.

Falcons: Fit for arrogance. Their prey ranges from the smallest, such as pigeons or partridges, to the largest, such as pheasants and ducks. Ample grounds are required for your daily training. They are easy to handle, although having a good hawk for arrogance requires perseverance and a lot of technique.

Hawks. They are the most delicate species, the most distrustful and the most difficult to handle. Not suitable for beginners. They do not require specific lands, since their environment is the very places that we find in almost all of our geography.

Harris’s Eagle. Without a doubt, the most versatile, flexible and malleable. They are very smart. Less aggressive and showy in hunting than the hawks. Its range of prey is wide, being especially effective with hare and rabbit.

Poised hawks. Manageable for its size. Ideal for hand-to-hand mode to partridge or pigeon, even magpies. Of sublime beauty, they are suitable for beginners and experts. Their persistence in hunting stands out and they never abandon the prey.

Kestrels, Yankees and other small breeds. Very suitable also for beginners. Their flight is electric and they can be a lot of fun. They give a lot of flexibility and ease in handling due to their size.

Falconry is pure passion, art and one of the modalities that are booming. But you have to be aware that it requires constant dedication. We will have the bird 365 days a year, in a perfectly conditioned place and, therefore, with all the care.

Of course, seeing them hunt is a show.

A “crazy” passionate about falconry, as you well know was Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente, but this gives for an exclusive “whisper”, patent in his book “The art of falconry”, which I recommend without any doubt.

Happy weekend!

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