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FACT OF THE DAY VIDEO The Nîmes-based clothing designer weaves her web

Charlotte Le Stum, 35, clothing designer, seamstress and owner of the Vestiaire de Jeanne boutique, located on rue Auguste in Nîmes, is collaborating with the Ateliers de Nîmes in the creation of a clothing line entirely made with the canvas of Jean Nimes. A 100% Nîmes “collaboration” with Guillaume Sagot which revives the old Gard textile know-how.

Her dresses originally designed for her sister Jeanne are now for the whole family. Since the arrival of her baby last year, she has created a children’s corner in the back of her shop on rue Auguste, a stone’s throw from the Maison Carrée. The novelty is this “collaboration” with the Ateliers de Nîmes, whose production workshop is a few minutes by bike, impasse Montaury.

Guillaume Sagot of the Atelier de Nîmes weaves his canvas of Jean in the center of Nîmes (Photo Yannick Pons) • Yannick Pons

Guillaume Sagot has been weaving Nîmes fabric since 2014 for the boutique in the center of Nîmes, but also for Printemps or La Samaritaine in Marseille, Montpellier, Toulouse… No investment, therefore organic growth. With two retired weaving specialists, Alain Beauchemin and Lucien Bialic, he restarted an old weaving machine in the center of Nîmes. If in 2016 he made 150 trousers, today there are 3,500 jeans, the initial price of which is 120 euros.

Yannick Pons

Yannick Pons

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