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Facing the Reality: Liv’s Cancer Treatment Comes to an End

Completely treated

‘Liv’s liver and bile reacted abnormally in her blood values ​​and she had gallstones, so an extra ultrasound was scheduled. On that ultrasound they saw an abnormal lymph node and an MRI was also done. There were spots on it: the cancer is back. The doctors no longer dared to give the more intensive protocol and said that they could no longer do anything for her, and that Liv had therefore completed her treatment. It had always been a hope to have something in reserve, and that is no longer a solution. That’s something to swallow.

Last year we told Liv at home that she was sick. But it is very difficult to explain to a child what cancer is. Liv thought it looked more like a flu, because she could not yet understand the impact and consequences of her illness. She only realized that it was more serious when she started receiving reactions from outside.

Now we had to give Liv bad news again. My husband and I told it again at home, in our safe home environment. She is very grateful that she heard it from us. Liv then also told her brother Rev herself. That was very beautiful to see, but also very heavy. We are proud of our children that we can do it this way. We took a few days to let our emotions go. After that we started to think very quickly. Would there be more care in the Netherlands or abroad? You also have to tell everyone that the treatment has finished. Everyone is already at a funeral or cremation, while Liv was doing better in January. This was a motivation for us not to give up.’

2024-04-06 17:25:40
#Lisas #daughter #Wilms #tumor #treated #Liv #ill #active #energetic

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