Home » today » Sport » “Facing Monsters”: documentary about the king of extreme surfing Kerby Brown premieres in Lima

“Facing Monsters”: documentary about the king of extreme surfing Kerby Brown premieres in Lima

“Facing Monsters” transports viewers to places and emotions never before experienced on the big screen.

V&R Films will bring the successful documentary to our country Facing Monsters exclusively on Cineplanet screens in Lima and Piura starting this Thursday, August 17. This feature-length documentary delves into the spirit of Australian slab surfer Kerby Brown, a man whose connection to the ocean is as deep as his love for his family.

Facing Monsters is a film about fear, addiction and family ties, where we will at the same time explore what drives Kerby, what he clings to and why he is obsessed with facing one of the most intimidating forces in nature.

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“Facing Monsters” trailer. Source: YouTube.

Rick Rifici’s stunning cinematography transports us and Kerby to the ferocity of the southwestern Australian ocean and the roar of its deadly monsters. As he prepares to ride the wave of his life, we become part of his journey into the unknown.

Facing Monsters transports viewers to places and emotions never before experienced on the big screen. Without a doubt one of the most attractive premieres of the season and an essential viewing documentary for all lovers of surfing and extreme sports. Starting this Thursday the 17th exclusively on Cineplanet. (ndp).

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– 2024-05-13 20:39:00

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