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Fabrizio Corona discharged from the hospital and taken to prison in Monza

Fabrizio Corona was brought a few minutes ago in the prison of Monza, after being discharged from the Niguarda hospital, where he was hospitalized in the psychiatry ward.

The former photographic agent, in fact, was injured when he learned that the judges of the Milan Surveillance have revoked the deferral of the sentence in home detention that he had been granted in December 2019 for a psychiatric pathology. Fabrizio Corona, whose sentence was revoked for a series of prescription violations, went on a hunger strike in the hospital to protest the judges’ decision.

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Also for the defense of the former ‘VIP photographer’, with the lawyers Ivano Chiesa and Antonella Calcaterra, the Surveillance provision disregarded all the reports of the experts in which it was said that Corona should have continued the treatment path out of prison. Tonight the former king of paparazzi was transferred to the Monza prison, as established by the Milanese surveillance.

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