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Exploring the Response Time of Hard Disk Read-Write Heads

The time it takes for the specified segment to be positioned below the read-write head One of the questions that many people ask is knowing the correct answer to the question, as the computer is an integrated device and its functional role is not fully completed except through the completion of all its parts, and the computer must have inputs. The output units and units, the operating system, memory and other tools are the important thing that helps in the operation of the computer, and through the following article we will talk about answering the question correctly.

Hard Disk

The hard drive is one of the most important components that go into building a computer. The first hard disk was discovered in the early 1950’s. It is a primary storage unit that is placed inside the computer. It is a magnetic disk with a portable pickup and reads all the information. From the magnetic surface and writing information on the same surface in order to store it, and all hard disks are characterized by large storage capacity and rotational speed, and in the case of increasing storage capacity and increasing rotational speed, the disk is better and better.

The time it takes for the specified segment to be positioned below the read-write head

The hard disk is used in the computer in order to store data on the computer for a very long time and it is not deleted unless the hard disk is damaged and the read and write head is one of the components of the hard disk, as this head writes all the information on the hard disk in order to start and stores and reads all the information If called, a moving head needs time for the movement to be positioned under the read-write head.

The time it takes for the specified segment to be positioned below the read-write head: response time.

hard drive components

The hard disk has witnessed a great development since its inception, as it was initially about 20 inches in size, in contrast to the present time, which has become the size of the palm of the hand and smaller while providing a high storage capacity from the past. The hard disk also consists of several components, the most important of which are:

Read and write head: They are moving heads that start moving back and forth on the top and bottom surface of the hard disk, reading all the information.
The axis of rotation: At the bottom of it is a small motor that fixes the magnetic disks on this axis.
Electronic circuits: These circuits receive all the electrical signals that the hard disk receives from all parts of the computer, and then translate them into commands that are executed through the read head.
Circular magnetic discs: They are circular discs covered with a magnetic material, which are double-layered and read from the upper and lower surfaces.

Finally, we have come to the end of the article The time it takes for the specified segment to be positioned below the read-write head ; We reviewed the correct answer to the question.

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