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Experience the Nostalgia and Intensity of 70mm Film with ‘Oppenheimer’ at the Grand Rex

It actually changes from digital: 6.2 km, 140 kg, 3 hours of reel… Here is “Oppenheimer”, the 70 mm film projected several times a day currently at the Grand Rex (Paris II). A rarity, at the time of all digital. “At the Grand Rex, the last 70 mm screening took place in 1989, it was “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”. Since then, we have not made any exploitation of films, ”explains Jean-Claude Mahé, the technical manager of projections at the Grand Rex. “We did a few previews for Christopher Nolan or Quentin Tarantino, but we haven’t had a public screening in 70mm since 1989”.

The goal: to get as close as possible to the ideal viewing desired by Christopher Nolan, the director of “Oppenheimer” (named after the American physicist, father of the atomic bomb). Even if the task is in fact impossible since in France no room can offer “the format wanted by Nolan, the Imax-70mm”. But the 70 mm – tout court – does not come far behind. “The interest is the definition”, continues Jean-Claude Mahé, “there are many more details in the image, an improved contrast, a sharper image, and above all we respect the shooting format” .

Visitors in the cabin

An additional feature, the projection booth has been relocated and installed directly in the room, above the spectators, to be right in front of the screen. And visits are organized to satisfy the curiosity of some spectators. “I’m waiting to see how, at a certain time, we watched films. It’s a bit nostalgic, vintage…”, comments Ana, 29, as she leaves the cabin.

Hugo, 25, doesn’t really know what to expect either: “No idea… But since I hear Nolan talking about it everywhere, I said to myself why not. The projectionist told me there would be a little flickering, the color would be a little different. And that it could please or not please. So I wanted to form my own opinion…

Verdict, three hours later, at the end of the session. “It has nothing to do with it,” explains Ana. “We see the grain in the image, then on the black and white scenes, it gives a lot more intensity, a bit as if it was filmed at the time (when the film takes place) (…) It’s less smooth than usual, it’s very nice”. Matthias found some impressions of his youth: “We see sorts of flashes, like in the 1980s, 90s, 2000s, and it’s quite amazing to see that at the start. We say to ourselves “wow, that’s cinema”. It’s quite moving to see that again.”

Given the success of this version of the film, the Grand Rex decided to continue the screening in 70 mm for one more week.

2023-07-30 17:34:41
#VIDEO #cinema #Oppenheimer #Grand #Rex #brings #film

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