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Exercises to progressively work step 0

Four seasons have passed since FIBA ​​introduced step 0 and it seems that there are still coaches reluctant to introduce it in their sessions, some due to lack of knowledge when explaining it and others because they do not believe in it, limiting their players technically and greatly. leaving in inferiority of conditions with respect to the rest.

It is true that it can attract attention and it can shock us to see new actions that, for so many years, we avoided teaching because they were steps, but you have to evolve with the rules and if we stay anchored in the past, it will be counterproductive for our players. Therefore, from JGBasket we are going to explain a series of simple exercises with which to teach step 0, carrying out a progression from less to more.

Logically, it is more difficult to teach it to players when they already have previously acquired concepts that condition them when executing it. One of the objectives of step 0 is to speed up the game, therefore, the player has to assimilate it to gain confidence and gain an advantage with it. If you hesitate to receive the ball and slow down your progress to mark the supports and not commit steps, you will not gain an advantage.

Therefore, the easiest thing will be that in the beginning they learn to catch the ball in the race without having to stop. They have to lose the fear of stopping and once they do, we can emphasize that they catch the ball with one foot on the ground. To work on it, we put the players in two rows in the corners of the midfield, we make them do a self-pass, throwing the ball forward to catch it with one foot on the run, without stopping or taking short steps so that they do not lose speed. Then a couple of pots and they finish in a basket.

The ideal would be for them to finish with step 0, because although, in theory, we should have already trained it if we have worked the innings to the basket, whether it is a young team that starts, to which it is absurd to teach them in the classic way – with two steps–, as if it is a large basket team that has already learned to enter by taking only two steps. The work is similar, since they have to catch the ball on a support and then take the two steps to finish.

We can train these situations, putting the rows in the triple, making a forward pass and catching the ball and from the step, without bouncing, take the two steps to finish. It is important that they are aware that step 0 will allow them to gain space and they do this by catching the ball to jump and not the other way around, jumping to catch the ball.

The next step in the progression is working it out on the exits. It must be remembered that for the possibility of applying step 0 to exist, the player must catch the ball in motion. From there, after taking step 0, the player – this is the big difference, since before he could not lift his pivot foot before dribbling – can take the first step, having to release the ball before touching the ground. with step 2. A good exercise is, starting from the triple at the height of the free throw, to place two rows, all with the ball except the first of one of them. The player without the ball works to receive, frontal to the basket, the pass of the first of the other row and go out, using step 0, with a bounce, being able to alternate direct exit, cross, reverse …

By Víctor Escandón Prada
Sports journalist and top basketball coach
JGBasket technical office

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