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Exciting Weekend in Pozuelo de Alarcón: Theater Contest, Children’s Workshops, and Art Exhibitions!

This Saturday the José María Rodero Amateur Theater Contest concludes.
Libraries organize, like every Saturday and Sunday, activities and workshops to encourage reading among the little ones.

Pozuelo de Alarcón offers different interesting plans for this long weekend in which theatre, exhibitions and children’s workshops center the programming.

He José María Rodero Amateur Theater Contest concludes this weekend at the MIRA Teatro with two performances: “Pancreas” with the Ateneo de Pozuelo Cultural Association (Friday the 13th) and “The wedding of the petit bourgeois” (Saturday, October 14), with Youkali Escena, from Torrelodones. The performances, with free entry until capacity is reached, will begin at 7:30 p.m.

Libraries also offer cultural programming this weekend for the little ones in the house and their families. This Saturday and Sunday the reading animation activities and their subsequent workshop will revolve around the figure of the Alava writer Félix María de Samaniego.

The workshop for Saturday will be about “The Ant and the Grasshopper“and, the one on Sunday”The goose that lays the golden eggs“. The activities take place from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the children’s rooms of the Miguel de Cervantes, Rosalía de Castro and Benito Pérez Galdós libraries. Admission is free.


Finally, for fans of the art world, you can visit different exhibitions in the city. The Padre Vallet Cultural Center hosts the exhibition “Trunks, lace and haikus”, which can be visited until November 5. With lace and haikus, the aim of this exhibition is to point out the similarity between the delicacy of a lace and the simplicity of a haiku. The logs were added following the historic Filomena snowfall. Pozuelo was strewn, in the winter of 2021, in the middle of the pandemic, with tree trunks hit by the storm.

On the other hand, the Volturno Room of the Volturno Space exhibits the painting exhibition “Places and Moments” by Maite Unzurrunzaga. The artist’s work is characterized by the balance of color and drawing, seeking in her themes something more than her external appearance. With a figurative tendency, she starts from a detailed analysis of reality to arrive at a personal interpretation.

Finally, the MIRA Space these days exhibits the winning and finalist works of the VIII Pozuelo de Alarcón Painting Contestwhich can be visited until October 15.

The three rooms will be open from Wednesday to Sunday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Free entrance.

2023-10-11 16:40:32
#Theater #exhibitions #childrens #workshops #enjoy #bridge #Pozuelo #Alarcón

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