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Ex-FvD MP Wybren van Haga starts new party

Wybren van Haga, who now represents the Van Haga Group in the House of Representatives, is starting a new party. It will be called Belang voor Nederland, or BV NL for short.

Van Haga confirms this after reporting from The Telegraph. The board of the new party includes States members De Bie from Brabant and De Kok from Gelderland. Both recently left the provincial factions of FvD.

Ex-VVD member Van Haga joined Forum for Democracy in May 2020. For that party he participated in the parliamentary elections in March. With 241,000 preferential votes, he almost overtook party leader Baudet, who received 245,000.

Classic Right

But in May this year he broke with the FvD and continued as an independent faction in the Chamber together with Hans Smolders and Olaf Ephraim. Forum for Democracy thus had five seats left.

Reason for the fraction was a 5 May poster that FvD party leader Baudet had made, in which a connection was made between the German occupation and the cabinet’s corona policy. Van Haga then distanced himself from that.

Van Haga’s new party “stands for technological progress, classical right, but liberal and not conservative”, the new party leader said.

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