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Eva Ducci (La Villa) unrecognizable on Instagram, Vivian and internet users react en masse

Vivian and Eva Ducci still so in love? He made new revelations about their relationship. It is hand in hand and happier than ever that the two lovebirds left The Villa of Broken Hearts 6. And if they encountered some difficulties after the filming of The battle of the couples 3, their love is still intact at the current time. The young man is also totally under the spell of his girlfriend, who after a shoot organized in the capital, a posted a few days ago on her Instagram account a photo in which she is unrecognizable with her dress and her long hair …

In the comments, Vivian wrote: “My god what a wonder. My elf”. Internet users also reacted en masse to the candidate’s look: “Unbelievable”, “A beauty this girl”, “You are someone”, “You are beautiful”, “OMG what a woman”, “A bomb”, “A true goddess, sublime”, “The most beautiful and the most sincere”, “It looks like Rapunzel on her balcony”, “Gorgeous”, “Lovely”, “Eva more beautiful than ever”, “Looks like a queen, you are beautiful”. Eva ducci got everyone to agree! In a completely different register, also know that Vivian made big revelations about the candidates of La Villa des Coeurs Brisés 6.

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