Home » today » World » European Parliament prohibits entry to representatives of the regime – 2024-04-22 15:15:38

European Parliament prohibits entry to representatives of the regime – 2024-04-22 15:15:38

Through a resolution approved at the end of February, the European Parliament prohibited entry to its facilities to any representative of the National Assembly of the People’s Power of Cuba or the Castro regime, a measure that will remain in place for an indefinite period of time.

The decision was made due to Cuba’s refusal to allow the visit of a democratically selected European delegation. This proposal was also received with insults from the island’s government.

Javier Nart, member of the Renew Europe Group, was the one who drafted the resolution and promoted the measure that was made effective immediately.

The MEP, recognized for his traditional leftist position, affirms that this decision is based on the principles of equality, reciprocity and mutual respect that are stipulated in the Political Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union and Cuba (EU-Cuba ADPC). .

The controversy that led to the resolution being drafted began at the end of 2023, when the European Parliament was alerted to the terrible state of Human Rights on the Island and decided to form an Ad Hoc delegation to visit Cuba. Although the regime initially accepted this visit, it abruptly and offensively revoked its decision shortly thereafter.

The delegation had planned to hold several meetings with senior Cuban officials and representatives of sectors fighting for democratic freedoms in the Greater Antilles, but the cancellation of the visit changed everything.

The Cuban government announced its change of mind through an insulting letter, in which it accused the members of the delegation of having ties to terrorists, a term used by the Castro regime to refer to peaceful activists and opponents.

The European Parliament’s measure can be interpreted as a firm response to the attacks by the Castro government towards an institution that represents one of the fundamental pillars of the Rule of Law in Europe.

At the moment, the effects that this resolution will have are unknown, but it marks an important precedent in relations between the European Union and Cuba, especially when it comes to diplomatic exchanges and political dialogue.

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