Home » today » News » European Parliament Committees Hear Iliana Ivanova as Candidate for Bulgarian European Commissioner

European Parliament Committees Hear Iliana Ivanova as Candidate for Bulgarian European Commissioner

Two committees of the European Parliament heard the candidate for the next Bulgarian European Commissioner Iliana Ivanova. She is to replace Maria Gabriel, who stepped down in May to become Bulgaria’s deputy prime minister and foreign minister.

Ivanova is expected to become European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth. It will be evaluated by the EP committees on Industry, Research and Energy and on Culture and Education.

The hearing lasted about three hours and will consist of answers to 25 questions. Ivanova will be able to make a 15-minute introduction, she will have one minute to answer a question and five minutes to conclude at the end of the hearing.

After the closed-door hearing, the chairmen of the two committees and the representatives of the political groups must prepare their assessment, the EP said in a statement. This assessment will be forwarded to the President of the EP and the leaders of the political groups. The final score is expected to be announced tomorrow.

Ivanova has already answered in writing 36 questions related to the activities of the European Commissioner with the specified responsibilities.

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2023-09-05 11:09:45

#heard #Bulgarian #candidate #European #Commissioner #Iliana #Ivanova #Mediapool.bg

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