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EU wants to break open large chat services such as WhatsApp and iMessage – IT Pro – News

End-to-end encryption can also be done using open protocols (eg with XMPP). And well, who is waiting for this as a consumer? Who is waiting to necessarily install an app from the American Facebook/Meta to be able to communicate a bit with their fellow man?

‘In the past’ people started by defining a protocol, and everyone could implement that protocol and communicate with each other. This is the basis of tcp/ip, http, smtp, ftp, IRC, etc. Then there were companies that much preferred to do this centrally.

Imagine that with Gmail you could only email within Gmail, and within Hotmail only to other Hotmail users. That’s ridiculous, of course, but what – especially the American tech giants – have made of it with Teams, Whatsapp, etc.

You write that you don’t want WeChat, and that’s perfectly fine. But maybe you want to communicate that happens to want WeChat, and not Whatsapp. How are you going to do that then? That’s right, open protocols.

[Reactie gewijzigd door Freeaqingme op 25 maart 2022 09:30]

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