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“Estrellas Bajo el Lápiz 2: The Portraits of JMV” – Crowdfunding Campaign

In September of last year our colleague Jesús Martínez del Vas launched his most personal project: Estrellas Bajo el Lápiz. It was a folder with 15 A4 sheets inside, with high quality paper and offset printing. His cartoonist profile looked like never before with this collection of portraits of stars from the world of cinema and music of the 80s. Today we can announce that crowdfunding for the second part is already underway.

The new pack consists of 15 prints with stars such as Stallone, Freddy Mercury, Sean Connery, Sean Young, Sigourney Weaver and Clint Eastwood among others.

The campaign comes with rewards of all kinds, specifically:

The basic reward will be the folder with all its plates signed and numbered. I will take advantage of the back of one of them to make a small souvenir drawing. You can also add a portrait to your folder with exactly the same technique and quality as the sheets. It will be somewhat more expensive, but always cheaper than the portraits that I have been offering through the networks. No one has been unhappy with them, and they look beautiful live. A gift? A whim? You won’t regret it. As an addition to the rewards, you can purchase a copy of Stars under the Pencil, the first one, to match with this new folder. In total, you will have 30 beautiful plates, no less. And you will also see other additions of interest, such as original comic pages, or the books LOAD JMV, INPUT JMV, RUN JMV and PRINT JMV, which were also founded through Verkami. A good opportunity to get them at a good price and with dedicated drawings!

If you want to access to take a look and/or participate, you can do so clicking here.

2023-11-14 20:45:24
#JMV #launches #part #Estrellas #Bajo #Lápiz #Mundo #del #Spectrum

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