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Eric talks about his biggest fear in “Les 12 Coups de midi”, he reveals everything

Eric: The Breton candidate seems to master the rules of the game. But his journey in the “12 Coups de midi” would have been much more convoluted than it seems.

Eric became the master of “12 noon shots” last November.

The Breton candidate has chained the records recently is approaching the record for the number of participations, held by Christian Quesada.

Eric beat a total amount of winnings with 897,166 euros and Christian Quesada, had won him 809,000 euros.

Unfortunately, however, the champion was condemned for the detention and dissemination of child pornography images.

Before reaching the 193 participations of the champion, there is only a long way to go for Eric.


But this father had to pause his training to take care of his family because, indeed, with coronavirus and confinement, it was much more difficult to manage both at the same time. This game is more difficult than it seems.

And this period when tout was slowed down and allowed him to “revise his weak points: the discographies of certain French singers and Russian and English literature”.

On the other hand, the difficulties seem far behind the master of 12 noon shots : ” The hardest part was the first day of shooting “Said Eric to the newspaper Le Parisien. “The miracle is not to be eliminated from the first stage and to become the noon master. The rest is a little easier. We are less intimidated, we know what to expect “He said.


The candidate is very afraid to graze again the elimination of his 28th participation “I was completely devolved …”, he says.

Eric will have to concentrate strongly to hope to soon break the record held by Christian Quesada.

Internet users do not hesitate to mention a potential elimination.

The Breton should soon be put on the sidelines, it’s only a matter of days.

A TV expert said on Twitter that the champion will be eliminated on June 19: No more rumors, Eric the champion of the “12 Coups de midi” will be eliminated on Friday, June 19 during his 199th participation. He will therefore be the greatest noon master in terms of winnings and number of participations. However, it will not exceed one million euros “, he explained.

If he is eliminated on June 19, Eric will indeed dethrone Christian Quesada from all sides.

Jean-Luc Reichmann and the production of the show, dreaming of forgetting the name of Christian Quesada, this victory would be a boon for them.

Before the trial, Eric had agreed to say a word about the legal case concerning Christian Quesada: “If the facts of which he is accused are true, that seems extremely serious to me. I don’t have a word to describe them, it’s a completely disgusting situation“, he had explained to our colleagues at the Gala.

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