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Energy prices skyrocket, no increase in payment arrears

With the energy prices of January 2022, a household with an average energy consumption pays 2800 euros in energy per year. That is 1321 euros more than the same household had lost a year earlier, according to new figures from Statistics Netherlands.

Lower energy tax partially compensates

Your energy bill is made up of fixed and variable costs for the transport and supply of energy. Variable supply costs in particular have risen enormously: for gas by 346.2 percent and for electricity by 347.6 percent.

For the supply of gas, a household with an average consumption therefore spends almost 1,100 euros more on an annual basis. For electricity that is 600 euros. The lower energy tax (417 euros for a household with an average consumption) only partially compensates for this increase.

By average consumption, Statistics Netherlands means 1169 m3 of gas on an annual basis and 2479 kWh of electricity (before 2022). Only newly concluded contracts are included in the calculation, not multi-year contracts that are still ongoing.

The three major energy suppliers Vattenfall, Essent and Eneco tell RTL Z that, despite the sharply increased prices, they are not yet seeing more customers with debts, payment arrears or payment arrangements.

Settlement follows

They do indicate that this picture may look very different in a few months, because there are also many customers with short-term contracts. They still get the bill. When is different for everyone; in the coming months it will become clear who will be in trouble.

Institute for Budget Information Nibud has been dark for a long time about rising energy prices and associated inflation. The institute had not foreseen that the prices for gas and electricity would rise so much in recent months.

We explain why your gas bill is so high in the video below:

Households that entered into a multi-year contract before energy prices started to rise sharply in the summer of 2021 are now in a sense a bit of a bargain. They do not suffer from rising supply rates, but they do benefit from the lower energy tax.

Consumption also plays a role

Not only the increased prices for the supply of energy affect your final energy bill, your consumption naturally also plays a role. The more energy you use, the higher the amount at the bottom of the line.

Finally, household and housing also make a difference. For example, the figures from Statistics Netherlands show that two or more people in an old, large detached house spend about 96 percent more on energy than a year earlier. A one-person household in a new, small apartment ‘only’ needs to pay 70 percent more.

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