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Emotional PK from Munich: Söder announces Ukraine consequences

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Of: Lucas Sauter-Orengo

The Russian attack on Ukraine rages on. The Bavarian cabinet around CSU boss Söder met today to discuss measures. But Corona was also an issue.

  • CSU boss Markus Söder commented on the situation in Ukraine and the Bavarian consequences at a press conference. (See update of March 2, 12:47 p.m.)
  • In addition, Söder explained the easing of the corona rules, including the opening of clubs and bars. (See update of March 2, 12:50 p.m.)
  • This ticker is continuously updated.

Söder announces easing for clubs and bars – more spectators possible

Update from March 2, 12:50 p.m.: “It’s a comprehensive package that we worked out again today,” said Söder, before coming to the topic of Corona: the numbers would fall again in Bavaria. “One crisis leads to the next”. People are unsettled. “It doesn’t help, you have to survive in these times”. The state government accepts this challenge. From Friday there will be new loosening in Bavaria:

  • The 3G rule applies in gastronomy. (Access for vaccinated, recovered and tested)
  • Bars and nightclubs open under the 2G Plus rule. (Vaccinated and recovered with test)
  • The spectator capacity for events will be increased, a maximum of 25,000 spectators are permitted. (With mask requirement)
  • Pupils no longer have to wear a mask in physical education classes.

Update from March 2, 12:47 p.m.: “I am against general conscription,” said Söder. This would mean an enormous amount of additional bureaucracy. “I set more incentives to voluntarily instead of coercion.” Then it’s about the Bavarian economy. Energy security is of particular importance. Climate protection no longer plays the central role, energy security is now of primary importance, the CSU leader then quotes Federal Minister of Economics Habeck (Die Grünen). It is now important not only to plan for the short term, but for the long term. “The measures taken by the federal government so far are a drop in the ocean,” Söder then criticized the federal government.

Söder-PK from Munich: Söder declares all Russian-Bavarian relations over – NOW live

“All options have to be on the table,” Söder continued. However, coal is not the decisive factor, nuclear energy would now be a suitable means in these times. “With nuclear energy, you can achieve the CO2 targets on the one hand and have security on the other,” said the Prime Minister.

Update from March 2, 12:44 p.m.: According to Söder, it is also important to protect your own population. It is a good signal that American soldiers came to Bavaria on Tuesday, March 1st. This gives a good feeling in difficult times, says Söder. They support the increase in the Bundeswehr, which is to be upgraded with 100 billion euros. “It has to be money for the Bundeswehr.” It is important to start upgrading the Bundeswehr immediately.

Update from March 2, 12:38 p.m.: CSU boss Markus Söder has the floor. The press conference begins. “Bavaria stands by Ukraine. Bavaria helps in times of need, and Bavaria offers protection for our country and our people. We reject the unprovoked war of aggression,” Söder begins his statement. Bayern is trying to make a contribution in these difficult times. As a consequence, all connections to Russia have been suspended, including the connection between Bavaria and Moscow.

Söder-PK from Munich: Ukraine war statement and new corona easing? Live now

“It is important that everyone comes together and stands together these days,” said Söder. The civil commitment of the citizens of Bavaria is impressive. You have to work with a lot of empathy and understanding in the next few weeks, according to the CSU boss. Bavaria will help with refugee issues, aid supplies will be sent to crisis regions, including Slovakia and Romania. “We are also preparing for admission to the hospital,” says Söder. This includes, for example, mother-child assistance, but also psychotherapeutic assistance. Bavaria is generally willing to take in refugees.

Söder live right away: Ukraine war statement and new corona easing? PK eagerly awaited

Update from March 2, 12:14 p.m.: Markus Söder appears in front of the press in just under 15 minutes. You can then follow the statements here in the ticker or in the attached live stream.

First report from March 2, 2022

Munich – The war in Ukraine has been raging for six days now. Recently, the attack on the television tower in Kyiv showed a new dimension of escalation. The suffering caused by the war is causing dismay all over the world, and a few days ago thousands of people also demonstrated at the Stachus in Munich. But concrete help from the Isar metropolis is already on the way.

Söder-PK live: Ukraine war and Corona – statements eagerly awaited

The Bavarian cabinet is discussing the situation in Ukraine today – but the corona pandemic, which has been pushed into the background these days, is also an issue. The results of the deliberations will then be announced at a press conference from 12:10 p.m. in Munich.

When it comes to Corona, the focus should be on relaxing the measures currently in force, after all, according to the federal decision, almost all measures should be dropped in the course of March. In Bavaria, bars and discotheques are supposed to open again on Friday, March 4th. As usual, you can follow all information and news about the Ukraine and Corona consultations live here in the stream or ticker.

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