Home » today » News » Emmendingen: News from the Paulus and Stadtkirchen community: Divine service plan until November 22nd – All discussion groups, senior afternoons, adult education events and choir and orchestra rehearsals cannot take place at the moment

Emmendingen: News from the Paulus and Stadtkirchen community: Divine service plan until November 22nd – All discussion groups, senior afternoons, adult education events and choir and orchestra rehearsals cannot take place at the moment

The current Corona regulations allow church services and religious events. We see that as a privilege. We want to handle it carefully and responsibly. And we regret that many other areas of cultural and social life have to face such severe restrictions.

Quite a few people experience the present times as dark and dreary. Perhaps the old recommendation to light a light or a candle rather than complain about the darkness is appropriate. Although complaining may and sometimes has to be.

We have changed our service schedule until the end of the church year and adapted it to the Corona conditions.

– Church services

8. November

10 a.m. City Church: Konfi presentation of the 2020/2021 class
(with Rita Buderer; Jonas Epperlein; Irene Leicht)

15. November

Pauluszentrum: not public service with the confectioners
(because the free time cannot take place)
10 a.m. City Church (Rüdiger Schulze)

Wednesday, November 18 (Day of Repentance and Prayer)

6.30 p.m. Stadtkirche: Memorial for the dead at the EU borders.
Interfaith ecumenical celebration

22. November (Ewigkeitssonntag)

10 a.m. Pauluszentrum (Rita Buderer)
10 a.m. City Church (Irene Leicht)

Copies of the house services in written form are available to take away and celebrate at home in the town church and in front of the Pauluszentrum.

All discussion groups, senior afternoons, adult education events and choir and orchestra rehearsals cannot take place at the moment.

The next information about Advent and Christmas will appear at the end of November.

In the meantime, we sincerely wish you a lot of light, patience and good courage!

Yours Rita Buderer, Jonas Epperlein Martinez, Irene Leicht

Homepage of the Paulus- und Stadtkirchengemeinde:

Donation accounts:

Paulus Congregation: Sparkasse Freiburg Nördl. Breisgau
IBAN: DE 77 6805 0101 0020 0415 75

City parish: Volksbank Breisgau Nord
IBAN: DE10 6809 2000 0039 4039 35

Kantorei: Volksbank Breisgau Nord
IBAN: DE78 6809 2000 0001 5181 00

Pauluschor: Volksbank Breisgau Nord
IBAN: DE 45 6809 2000 0009 4045 03

Address of the parish office: Hebelstr. 2a, 79312 Emmendingen, Germany
Tel: 07641-8704; E-mail:

[email protected]

[email protected]

(Info: Evangelical Paulus Congregation Emmendingen)

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