Home » today » World » Emirates news agency – Muslim Council of Elders condemns terrorist attacks in Mogadishu

Emirates news agency – Muslim Council of Elders condemns terrorist attacks in Mogadishu

ABU DHABI, October 30 / WAM / The Council of Muslim Elders, led by Grand Imam Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Sheikh of Al-Azhar Al-Sharif and President of the Muslim Council of Elders, has condemned the two terrorist attacks that have taken place in the Somali capital Mogadishu, which resulted in dozens of deaths and injuries.

The Muslim Council of Elders affirmed its categorical rejection of such terrorist acts that contradict the tolerant teachings of Islam and all divine laws and international laws and norms, calling for the need to coordinate efforts to eliminate this brutal terrorism and eradicate it from its roots.

The Council expressed its sincere condolences to the government and people of Somalia, as well as to the families and families of the victims, asking Almighty God to bestow his mercy on the victims and ensure a speedy recovery for the wounded.

Abdel Nasser Moneim

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