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Elon Musk is on a journey with Twitter Blue, and the paid Blue Flag is now available in 20 more European countries.

This new extension makes the Twitter subscription service available in more than 35 countries

Updated on March 3, 2023 | 03:23 hrs IST

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Twitter Blue subscription fee on web, iOS and Android

Less than a week after Esther Crawford was fired, Twitter’s head of payments, along with her team that handled Elon Musk’s microblogging platform Twitter Blue, are now working to expand their paid subscription service to 20 European countries. The total number of countries where Twitter Blue is available has moved to over 35 countries.

According to TechCrunch, these countries are the Netherlands, Poland, Ireland, Belgium, Sweden, Romania, Czech Republic, Finland, Denmark, Greece, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Slovakia, Latvia, Slovenia, Estonia, Croatia, Luxembourg, Malta, and Cyprus.

The paid service Twitter Blue offers a range of features such as the ability to edit your tweets, increase visibility, write long tweets, add NFT images and post 60-minute videos. However, the most popular feature is the “blue tick” that comes with the subscription.

In January, Twitter launched an annual payment plan, Twitter Blue, which costs INR 9,400 per year to subscribe from Apple and Android devices. Web subscription is even cheaper at INR 6,800 per year.

As Twitter Blue expands to new countries in an effort to increase revenue for the platform, many users are complaining of poor “support paid features” and not activating Twitter Blue features after a week of paying.

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