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Elizabeth Loaiza shared her first day of chemotherapy

With a lot of optimism Elizabeth Loaiza faces the process of recovering from cancer which he announced last week. On this occasion, the model shared with her followers every moment of her first chemotherapy.

Elizabeth explained that the doctors informed him that his veins were going to hurt, since the consistency of the treatment that they were going to inject was foamy, however, showed very strong and showed no weakness.

“I have to take everything calmly, with faith, with good energy, so at some point we decay, but attitude is everything ”, was one of the phrases with which the model wanted to encourage herself and all her followers.

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Despite its strength, Elizabeth said she was afraid of what her body might feel, since they had told him that he felt like a hangover, or a “bone breaker” flu, however, he remained optimistic and said that he had to remain happy.

Later, the model showed some handles that they gave her to reduce possible pain and explained that, for her, diet is key in the recovery process, and was seen drinking a blackberry juice with beets. In addition, he explained that he is betting on astragalus, which is a natural medicine, traditionally used in China.

Elizabeth continues to share publications with her followers, who have shown great solidarity with her, and accompany her during this difficult process.

It may interest you: On a walk, Elizabeth Loaiza shared that she will soon start chemotherapies


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