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Electrical energy and flour costs lowered in Azad Kashmir, web restored

Internet Desk: Calls for of Azad Kashmir Awami Motion Committee have been authorised, electrical energy and flour costs have been enormously lowered, web service has been restored.
In response to the Chief Secretary of Azad Kashmir, all of the calls for of the All Jammu Kashmir Individuals’s Motion Committee have been accepted and the settlement concerning the acceptance of the calls for has additionally been reached.
Azad Jammu and Kashmir Power Division has issued a notification to cut back electrical energy costs.
For family electrical energy, the value of electrical energy from one to 100 items will probably be Rs.3 per unit, from 101 to 300 items, Rs.5 and for consumption of greater than 300 items, it is going to be Rs.6 per unit.
In response to the notification, the value of electrical energy per unit will probably be Rs 10 for industrial use of 300 items and Rs 15 per unit to be used of greater than 300 items.
Later, Azad Kashmir Prime Minister Chaudhry Anwar Haq, whereas holding a press convention with the cupboard members, stated that no sane individual can deny the calls for of low-cost electrical energy and low-cost bread. Launched.
He stated that earlier the speed of flour was 3100 rupees per manna, on which a subsidy of 1100 rupees has been given, on account of which the brand new worth has grow to be 2 thousand rupees. Gleefully accepted, the military chief performed an essential position in resolving these points.
In Azad Kashmir, a bag of 40 kg flour turned Rs 2,000 and a kg flour turned Rs 50.

#Electrical energy #flour #costs #lowered #Azad #Kashmir #web #restored
– 2024-05-14 13:51:17

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