Home » today » News » El Pais: “Teased photo of Kate Middleton gets the Windsors in trouble” – 2024-03-13 21:25:18

El Pais: “Teased photo of Kate Middleton gets the Windsors in trouble” – 2024-03-13 21:25:18

At France, η Le Figaro writes: “‘Assisted suicide’: bill prompts divided reactions from carers’ associations and unions”. President Emmanuel Macron has come out in favor of the “assisted suicide” bill in France for the first time. At Liberation we read: “War in Ukraine: In Kiev, Macron’s remarks were unexpected but welcome.” Emmanuel Macron’s statement about possible deployment of troops from NATO member states to Ukraine surprised many experts and diplomats in Kiev.

At Germanythe The world reads: “Portugal: Collaborative government sought”. Portugal’s centre-right Democratic Alliance (AD) has won the general election, its leader Luis Montenegro said, although it is unclear whether he could govern without the support of the “Enough” (Chega) faction, with which he again refused to negotiate. THE Daily Mirror reports: “Soltz disagrees with Pope’s controversial statements on Ukraine”. Steffen Hempstreit, a spokesman for Olaf Scholz, said the German chancellor did not share the view of Pope Francis, who suggested that Ukraine should have the “courage to raise a white flag”.

At USAthe Washington Post is today headlined: ‘Uproar over Kate Middleton’s teased photo’. Internet users noticed a number of “anomalies” in the photo, while major news outlets retracted it. At Wall Street Journal we read: “Joe Biden Releases Annual State Budget.” The American president presented his ambitious financial priorities.

At BritainThe Guardian reads: “Trump won’t give a cent to Ukraine, Orban says.” The Hungarian Prime Minister met with Donald Trump. Speaking to reporters a few days later, he said the former president would not support Ukraine if elected. At Daily Telegraph we read “Kate Middleton Apologizes for Edited Photo.” Leading photo agencies had refused to publish the image, due to numerous indications that it had been tampered with.

In Italythe Corriere della Sera reports: “Pietro Parolin: ‘Cease fire in Ukraine, then negotiations'”. The cardinal Minister of Foreign Affairs defended the Pope’s words about the “white flag” in Ukraine: “it is obvious that the first step concerns Moscow”.

In Spainthe The country reads: “Kate’s teased photo lands Windsors in trouble.” Kate Middleton apologizes for edited photo amid confusion over her health status.

Read also:

Kate Middleton: New photo with William after scandal over edited image

Kate Middleton: “I edited her” – The … admission about the “teased” photo

Global uproar over Kate Middleton’s fake photoNews agencies retracted it due to photoshop

#Pais #Teased #photo #Kate #Middleton #Windsors #trouble

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