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Egyptian Football Player Penalized for Refusing to Support LGBTQ+ Campaign

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Egyptian player Mostafa Mohamed

The name of the Egyptian player, Mostafa Mohamed, topped the social networking sites in Egypt and a number of Arab countries, after the French club Nantes announced the imposition of a financial penalty on him because of his refusal to participate in a campaign to support homosexuals.

The French League asked players in the first and second divisions to wear shirts with numbers on the back in rainbow colors ahead of the International Day in Support of the LGBTQ Community on Wednesday.

And the French football club Nantes announced that it would fine financially, not athletically, its Egyptian player Mostafa Mohamed, who refused to defend the colors of his team against Toulouse, in order not to wear a shirt bearing the rainbow logo during the weekend matches, as part of an effort to combat homophobia.

The French club said in a statement: “Nantes striker Mustafa Mohamed refused to participate in the match against Toulouse for personal reasons at a time when the club is struggling to avoid relegation to the second degree. Therefore, the club’s board of directors decided to punish him financially without disclosing the value of the fine.”

2023-05-16 12:55:55

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