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Egyptian Actress, Houria Farghali, Falls at Miss Egypt Contest, but Remains Unfazed

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Country– The happiness of the Egyptian actress, Houria Farghali, did not complete her return to the limelight, by attending the Miss Egypt contest, where she was exposed to an unenviable situation.

More than 20 years after she was crowned in 2002 with the title of Miss Egypt, Houria Farghali suddenly fell while climbing the stairs, while she was at the party venue, at the Trinf Luxury Hotel in the Fifth Settlement.

No injuries

However, those present quickly rescued Houria, causing her not to suffer any serious injuries.

Houria Farghali’s fall did not bother her, as she jokingly commented: “I would take off my boots and go barefoot.”

And about regaining her self-confidence after her participation in the ceremony, Houria answered in an interview To Cairo 24: “Praise be to God, I have confidence in myself, and whoever does not like it, looks at the other side.”

beauty measures

Houria spoke about the standards of beauty for her, saying that it is not in the form, but in the inside.

And she added, “Beauty is not the dazzling body or the dazzling face, but the most important thing is the inside, because what is inside is your mirror.

Houria Farghali revealed that she is currently preparing two artistic works, a play and a movie, during the coming period.

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