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Eggs cannot be eaten when taking these medicines

There are foods that interfere with the functioning of drugs. Grapefruit, for example, should be avoided when taking some medications. As for eggs, there are those who never eat them if they are on antibiotics. Is this a hoax or is there a grain of truth? The answer is: it depends. Eggs cannot be eaten when taking these medicines.

Eggs and antibiotics get along well, with one exception

It’s not clear why the myth has spread that antibiotics and eggs don’t get along. Perhaps the reason is that these medicines were once made from albumin. As the name suggests, it is a protein derived from eggs. So it may be that many believed that eggs interfere with antibiotics. In reality, this is not the case in most cases. This is confirmed by the indications on interactions between drugs and food published byAIFA (Italian Medicines Agency).

There is therefore no scientific evidence that eggs can have negative effects on the functioning of antibiotics. However, there is a specific case in which eggs must be avoided. These are sulfamicide antibiotics: you cannot eat eggs when taking these medicines. Some substances present in the egg can in fact bind to sulfamicides inside the intestine. Their effectiveness would be reduced. It is therefore important to follow the directions of your doctor regarding the diet to be followed.

What are sulfamicides and what diseases are they used for

Sulfamicides are drugs that block the proliferation of bacteria. Unlike antibiotics, which have natural origin, they are chemically produced. They are often prescribed to combat these conditions:

a) eye infections;

b) burns;

c) some types of mushrooms;

d) infections caused by Escherichia Coli, streptococcus or other bacteria;

e) urinary tract problems;

f) colitis;

g) Crohn’s disease.

Therefore, when you suffer from these diseases, make sure you can eat eggs. Just ask your doctor. If the doctor gives the green light, there is no reason to deprive yourself of this tasty ingredient!

(We remind you to carefully read the relevant warnings, which can be consulted who”)

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