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Ecuador won’t acknowledge the results of the subsequent elections in Venezuela

The president of Ecuador, Daniel Noboa – Europa Press/Contact/Luis Soto


The president of Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, confused this Tuesday that Ecuador won’t acknowledge the results of the upcoming elections in Venezuela after the disqualification issued by the Supreme Courtroom of Justice (TSJ) of the opposition presidential candidate, María Corina Machado.

“We won’t acknowledge the results of the subsequent elections, since they haven’t been free elections,” the president mentioned throughout an interview with the Ecuavisa community, though he clarified that this doesn’t indicate not recognizing the Authorities of Nicolás Maduro or a rupture of relations. the relationships.

This happens after the Minister of International Affairs, Gabriela Sommerfeld, assured in an interview for the NTN24 community that “Ecuador doesn’t acknowledge the Maduro authorities”, alluding to the truth that Quito won’t have “better contact” with the neighboring nation till free elections are revered within the Latin American nation.

Final Friday, January 26, the Venezuelan Supreme Courtroom ratified Machado’s 15-year disqualification, that means that she will be unable to carry public workplace or run within the 2024 presidential elections. The opposition accused the Authorities of making an attempt to finish the Barbados agreements, which They proposed free elections.

In response, the USA has introduced the reactivation of sanctions towards the state-owned Normal Mining Firm of Venezuela. Thus, part of the sanctions withdrawn in October – as a manner of recognizing the Venezuelan Authorities given its advances in democratic issues – have been restored.

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– 2024-05-21 17:14:27

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