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Easy Ways to Clean the Lungs from Bacteria

JAKARTA, FaktualNews.co – There are various ways to clean the lungs from bacteria that can be done easily. That way, you can avoid various diseases.

Many factors can cause the lungs to become dirty and unhealthy. Starting from dust, pathogens such as bacteria, pollen, certain chemicals, to cigarette smoke which is trapped in the air and enters the lungs.

Basically, the lungs have the ability to clean themselves. However, too much exposure to outside particles often interferes with its function.

Therefore, it is important to know how to clean the lungs so that the organs stay healthy and function optimally.

How to clean the lungs from bacteria
Bacteria are a group of single-celled microorganisms. If it enters the body, bacteria can cause disease.

Pneumonia, for example, is a lung infection that is generally caused by a bacterium called Streptococcus pneumonia. In addition, TB disease is also caused by microbial types of bacteria.

To prevent this, there are several ways to clean the lungs from bacteria that you can try. Here are some of them, citing various sources.

1. Use an air purifier
Start cleaning your lungs by improving the air quality at home. You can buy air purifiers or air purifiers that can be placed in each room.

For optimal results, you can also invest in an air purifier that reaches the entire house.

2. Spend more time outside
Getting lots of fresh air can help expand the tissue in your lungs and keep them working properly.

Check the estimated level of pollution in your environment. Avoid outdoor activities when pollution levels are high and stay away from areas where trash, wood or other types of smoke are burned.

3. Breathing exercises
Quoting Healthline, certain breathing exercises can improve lung function, especially for active smokers. This method helps you avoid lung disease which can also be caused by bacteria.

Breathing techniques that can be done include pursed lip breathing (PLB) or pursed lip breathing and diaphragmatic breathing or diaphragmatic breathing.

4. Chest percussion exercise
Chest percussion is a technique that can help drain fluid from the lungs. To do this technique, you simply lie down with your head down and lightly pat your back.

This technique is often combined with postural drainage, a technique in which you change your body position so that fluid can more easily drain out of your lungs.

Many patients with cystic fibrosis or pneumonia perform percussion and postural drainage. The sufferer’s back is usually patted firmly with cupped hands. This method can thin the secretions.

In addition, sleeping on your side can also help secretions go up and out of the lungs.

5. Pay attention to diet
Consuming foods rich in vitamin D can improve lung health. A 2017 study of people with asthma found that healthy vitamin D levels reduced the number of asthma attacks that required corticosteroid treatment.

In addition to vitamin D, certain foods and drinks that contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds can also reduce airway inflammation.

You can try drinking green tea, eating berries, broccoli, turmeric and dark chocolate.

To maintain lung health, you can also choose a diet that is low in carbohydrates and high in healthy fats. The process of carbohydrate metabolism produces more carbon dioxide and uses more oxygen than fat metabolism.

6. Sports
Exercise can help increase lung capacity. That way, the lungs can clean themselves.

Sports that can be tried include walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, Zumba, and others.

7. Steam therapy
Quoting Medical News Today, steam therapy can open the airways and help thin mucus. Steam can add warmth and humidity to the air.

Some evidence suggests that inhaling steam can help soothe sore throats, loosen thick mucus, and provide lung benefits after exposure to pollutants.

Those are a number of ways to clean your lungs from bacteria that you can do to avoid infections that attack the respiratory tract.

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