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Easter holidays at Ballermann: “How stupid do you have to be?” Twitter rages against German Mallorca vacationers

March 28, 2021, 3:04 p.m.

As if there was neither a corona pandemic nor dangerous virus mutations: Thousands of German vacationers traveled to Mallorca at the beginning of the Easter holidays. Bild: picture alliance/dpa | Clara Margais

Full airports, fully booked planes: As if there was no corona pandemic, thousands of German vacationers left for Mallorca at the start of the summer holidays. Displeasure is boiling up on social media.

At the beginning of the Easter holidays, thousands of holidaymakers flew to Mallorca over the weekend despite Corona and all appeals to not travel. On Saturday, 60 aircraft from Germany arrived in the island’s capital Palma, another 70 were expected on Sunday, according to the airport.

Ballermann despite the corona pandemic: Thousands of Germans spend Easter holidays in Mallorca

Eurowings alone flew 44 times to the island from nine German airports on Saturday and Sunday. That is almost four times as many flights as the previous weekend with only twelve. The airline did not provide exact passenger numbers. A spokesman for the company told the German press agency on request that all flights were “quite well booked”. The flight offer is still less than 40 percent compared to the pre-Corona period.

Tui brought almost 2,000 package holidaymakers with 15 planes from five German airports to the island. The flights were not fully booked and “on the same level as last weekend,” said a spokesman for the dpa.

Mallorca currently has an incidence of just under 29 – German vacationers come in droves

The federal government removed Mallorca and the other Balearic Islands from the list of corona risk areas on March 14after the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants fell below the limit value of 50 within seven days. According to the latest calculation by the Spanish Ministry of Health, the so-called incidence is currently 28.71.

Compulsory testing for travelers returning from March 30, 2021

With the deletion from the risk list, Mallorca holidaymakers no longer had to quarantine and test when they returned, which led to a booking boom for the Easter holidays. From Tuesday, however, every flight passenger arriving from abroad must show a negative corona test. A corresponding ordinance then comes into force.

Travel as a pandemic driver: Government advises against vacation travel

The federal government generally advises against travel at home and abroad because it considers mobility to be a major driver of the pandemic. At the weekend, the Easter holidays began in most federal states. According to a report in the “Mallorca Zeitung”, the Spanish airport operator Aena expects a total of 532 flight connections to and from Germany for Mallorca Airport from March 26th to April 5th (Easter Monday). That is 51 percent less than during the Easter holidays of the last pre-pandemic year 2019.

Twitter is raging because of the Mallorca rush:

In the social networks, just in time for the start of the holiday, indignation about Mallorca vacationers broke loose. “The flight continues from HamburgAirport towards Mallorca. Malle madness is running. Returnees bring the mutants into the country. When does the Balearic District Government declare Germany to be a risk area with an entry ban? ein Twitter-User, another writes “Here the new infections are increasing every day how stupid you have to be to travel despite warnings, the large number of planes and their passengers will certainly contribute to the fact that the new infection and infection skyrocket”.

Also Videos of celebrating tourists from Germany stumbling around on the beach shouting and without mouth and nose protection, cause only sheer horror and head shaking in the Twitter community. Some do not see the blame on the Mallorca vacationers, but on the German government: “And the Mallorca Covididioten are eager to import the next COVID-19 epidemic to Germany. A federal government that allows this for political reasons, and thereby accepting new infections and deaths, should be VOTED !! “, wrote a user. “Let’s hope that the third wave won’t turn out to be a tsunami! Even then, Covid idiots would still stand in disbelief on the beach and think about how they could surf on it!” summarizes another observer.

If infected on malls, Germans can enter the Corona Hotel free of charge

German holidaymakers who tested positive for the corona virus before returning from Mallorca can spend the quarantine that is then required free of charge in one of the hotels specially set up on the island for infected people. The “Mallorca-Zeitung” reported on Sunday, citing information from the regional health ministry. All that is required is the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). But if you prefer to stay in your hotel or holiday apartment, you have to pay for it yourself.

For many vacationers, the question does not arise anyway, the newspaper quoted Tui spokesman Aage Dünhaupt. The costs of their accommodation during a quarantine would be covered by additional insurance that is part of the travel package. Other tour operators would offer similar coverage, the newspaper wrote.

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