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Dubai: Oligui Nguema reframes his compatriots Dubai: Oligui Nguema reframes his compatriots

Libreville, Monday December 4, 2023 (Infos Gabon) – During his recent stay in the capital of the United Arab Emirates on the occasion of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change, the Head of State condemned the unworthy behavior of his fellow citizens who do not honor Gabon.

On the sidelines of the 28e UN conference on climate change in which he has just taken part in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, the Gabonese head of state spoke with his 40 compatriots living in this Asian country. During this exchange, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema did not hide his indignation at the retrograde behavior of some of them. “My special services provided me with a report on the 40 Gabonese in Dubai. I have heard stories of all kinds, actions that I have not heard in Rwanda, in the Central African Republic, in Guinea, and almost everywhere in the world where we have been. It’s shameful, it’s sad. My intelligence services tell me that some are thieves, crooks, robbers, and as far as some of our compatriots are concerned, they engage in filthy sexual practices,” he pointed out. Looking disappointed.
As a good father, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema made a call to order by inviting his compatriots to behave more exemplarily by turning their backs on these deviances in which many of them indulge in daily life and tarnish the brand image of the Gabon. Receptive to the message of the Head of State, everyone promised to readjust themselves and to distinguish themselves from now on through worthy and exemplary acts.


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