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drg Arbani Mukti Wibowo: Malang Regency is in the Third Place in DHF Cases

One of the efforts of the Malang District Health Office is to prevent the spread of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito by fogging around residents’ homes.

Malang Regency Government, Bhirawa

The Malang Regency Government (Pemkab) through the Malang Regency Health Office (Dinkes) continues to make efforts to prevent Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) sufferers, which are caused by the bite of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito. Because, during the month of February 2022, the number of dengue fever sufferers has now reached 66 people. While the number of dengue cases, Malang Regency ranks third in East Java (East Java).

“Malang Regency ranks third in dengue cases after Nganjuk Regency, which has 72 cases, and the first place in DHF cases is Bojonegoro Regency, which reaches 112 people. And so that the number of dengue cases does not become more widespread, the Health Office takes preventive measures,” said Head of the Malang District Health Office, Dr. Arbani Mukti Wibowo, Sunday (30/1), to reporters.
According to him, the number of dengue cases in early January 2022 increased when compared to early January 2021. And the total number of dengue cases in East Java for this year reached 977 cases, this is higher than in 2021 which reached 668 cases.

So that to prevent the spread of dengue fever sufferers in Malang Regency, now his party continues to carry out handling up to the Neighborhood Association (RT) and Residents Association (RW) levels by conducting socialization, especially in improving cleanliness in the home environment. “We continue to make various efforts to prevent the rate of increase in dengue cases. As for fogging, it’s not our main effort, the main thing is to do environmental tracing,” said Arbani,

He explained, we do tracing in order to find out the presence of Aedes Aegypti mosquito larvae that live in puddles of clean water. So that people are expected to implement a healthy lifestyle, and ensure that there is no place that can hold water, because it can trigger the breeding of Aedes Aegyti mosquito larvae. Meanwhile, the DHF mosquito larvae breed in clean water, so it is necessary to provide awareness to the public, and at least clean water is drained as often as possible.

Moreover, continued Arbani, currently the rainfall is quite high from October 2021 to January 2022, which we assess can cause the potential for mosquito breeding sites to also be high. So he appealed to the public to act as larvae or jumantik observers. Because the key to dealing with this DHF by applying Drain, Cover and Bury (3M) well. Such as draining the bathtub which can serve as a place for mosquito larvae to grow, closing holes or tubs that are rarely drained which can become waterlogged, and burying or recycling used items.

“In order to avoid an increase in dengue cases in Malang Regency, the community must often do community service in their environment or clean mosquito nests. Because this is to prevent the breeding of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito,” he concluded.[cyn.ca]

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