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Don’t lose weight, don’t be happy, it could be an early symptom of diabetes!

JAKARTA, HARIANHALUAN.COM – Early symptoms diabetes often overlooked, because some of them are general or similar to symptom another disease. This then causes many people to realize that they are suffering from diabetes. Not infrequently, this disease is only detected after it is severe enough, it has even triggered complications.

Therefore, it is very important to know symptom beginning diabetes, especially if you have risk factors, such as a family history of the disease. Recognize and be aware symptom The initial appearance can make this disease quickly treated. Because, the sooner it is detected and treated, the greater the chance to avoid complications diabetes which is dangerous.

Recognizing the Early Symptoms of Diabetes
The sooner treated, the risk of complications arising diabetes dangerous ones can be avoided. Therefore, it is important to recognize symptom beginning diabetes, as:

Frequent Urination
One of symptom The hallmark of this disease is frequent urination, especially at night. Not infrequently, the desire to always urinate can interfere with night sleep. This condition occurs due to high blood sugar levels, so the kidneys are not able to absorb all of it. Excess sugar that is not absorbed is then excreted through the urine.

Always Feeling Thirsty
Early symptoms diabetes which is also often overlooked is always feeling thirsty. This symptom appears due to an increase in the frequency of urination which makes body fluids decrease continuously. On the sufferer diabetes, the thirst that appears is usually not easily lost, even after drinking a lot of white water.

Often Feel Hungry
Unnatural hunger, for example, often feeling hungry even though you have just eaten, can be one of the characteristics of the disease diabetes. Excessive hunger arises because the insulin hormone in the body cannot work optimally.

Weight Loss
sufferer diabetes susceptible to decline body weight drastically for no apparent reason. This happens because the body cannot produce enough insulin. As a result, the body takes other energy sources, such as protein, fat, and muscle.

Itchy and Dry Skin
Often feel itchy and experience dry skin can be symptom beginning diabetes. Dry skin in people with disease diabetes This occurs because the body loses a lot of fluids, namely when urinating continuously. This causes the skin to lose its natural moisture.

Wounds Hard to Heal
When you have an injury to your body, such as an infection, bruise, or insect bite, simple treatments will usually make the wound go away quickly. However, this does not apply to people with disease diabetes. This condition occurs due to high blood sugar levels, causing the walls of the arteries to narrow and harden.

As a result, the flow of oxygenated blood is blocked. In fact, the injured body part requires oxygen and nutrients contained in the blood to be able to heal quickly.

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