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Does the little one seem lethargic? Check for signs of vitamin D deficiency in children!

Fewer votes vitamin D in children we often do not realize. Although being aware of the possible signs of vitamin D deficiency in children can help their growth and development more optimally.

Also, if the mother ignores the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in babies, the baby’s vitamin D needs will automatically not be met adequately. This condition will make the baby experience it deficit vitamin D.

On the other hand, vitamin D deficiency will cause problems in children, the impact also varies according to age. Basically, Vitamin D is an important nutrient for all ages.

So, so that your child does not suffer from vitamin D deficiency, let’s learn what are the characteristics of vitamin D deficiency in children so that you can prevent its effects!

Characteristics and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in children

The signs of vitamin D deficiency in children are different from adolescents. The signs of vitamin D deficiency are in fact easier to detect with the help of a doctor. However, the first step you can take is to start identifying the characteristics of the vitamin D deficiency experienced by your little one.

Reported by health line, symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in children are actually easier to identify than in adolescents. Signs of vitamin D deficiency in teens tend to be vague, such as lethargy and irritability, which sometimes makes teens misdiagnosed. The reason is that these characteristics are similar to depression or depression fibromyalgia.

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in children should not be underestimated. The reason why, this can have a serious impact on your health in the future. The following are signs of vitamin D deficiency in children that you need to know:


Children up to 2 years of age have a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency because they are exposed to less sunlight than adults. If the child is deficient in vitamin D, the following may occur:

  • Convulsions due to low rates soccer
  • Late growth
  • Fussy and sensitive
  • bad lesù
  • Muscle weakness
  • Frequent respiratory infections.

At extreme levels vitamin D deficiency can cause ricketswhich is a condition of growth abnormalities in the bones and shape of the joints. Rickets vulnerable experienced in infants and children aged 6 to 23 months and adolescents aged 12 to 15 years.

Rickets it is a condition of damaged mineralization (calcification), bone that covers the ephyseal plate. In general, the epiphyseal plate is known as a growth plate, which is a piece of cartilage located at the end of the long bones of children and adolescents.

Children and adolescents

Although the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in children and adolescents varies. However, according to geography, studies estimate that the prevalence rate of vitamin D deficiency is 15% in children aged 1 to 11 and 14% in children and adolescents aged 12 to 19. years.

Overweight or obese children and adolescents are more likely to be vitamin D deficient than children who have a balanced weight. The symptoms experienced by children and adolescents due to vitamin D deficiency are not very different from those experienced by children, which are as follows:

  • Fussy and sensitive
  • Late development
  • Bones break easily
  • Muscular pain.

If vitamin D deficiency is not detected, it can lead to bone demineralization, seizures and heart damage. An extreme vitamin D deficiency in teens, if left untreated, can lead to rickets And osteomalacia.

Different from rickets, osteomalacia This is the softening of the bone that occurs after the growth plate is closed. The growth plate generally closes between the ages of 13 and 15 in girls and between the ages of 15 and 17 in boys.

Know the causes of vitamin D deficiency in children

Signs of vitamin D deficiency in infants, children and adolescents that tend to be vague can sometimes make mothers feel confused. Basically, the ideal body condition that has enough vitamin D has its own standards. Quoted by Children nationwidethere are different levels of vitamin D that must be observed.

  • Under 21: deficient (very low level)
  • 21-29: Insufficient (not enough)
  • 30-120: Sufficient (cup)
  • Over 120: Too much

If your child’s vitamin D level is below normal, there may be several factors that make your child vitamin D deficient.Some of these factors are as follows:

  • Babies who are exclusively breastfed do not receive vitamin D supplements or even breastfeeding mothers have low levels of vitamin D
  • The baby does not drink enough milk or foods that contain added vitamin D
  • Premature baby due to lack of vitamin D during the third trimester of pregnancy
  • Babies, children and adults spend more time indoors or live in cold climates
  • Medical conditions that make it difficult for the body to absorb vitamin D, such as liver, kidney, celiac disease, and cystic fibrosis.
  • Having darker skin
  • Taking medications that affect the absorption of vitamin D.

Prevent Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D is needed by children for bone growth and development. While it is difficult for you to detect signs of vitamin D deficiency in your baby, you don’t need to worry. The reason is that there are several ways to prevent vitamin D deficiency in children. Quoted by Raising childrenHere are some preventative steps you can take:

  • Make sure the baby is exposed to a sufficient amount of sunlight

Babies need sun exposure on the skin so that the body can make vitamin D. Babies can usually get 80% of vitamin D from sunlight. Invite your little one to sunbathe for about 10 minutes between 10am and 4pm WIB. Use body protection when sunbathing like sunscreenhats, goggles and clothing that protect the body from direct sunlight.

  • Feeding foods that contain vitamin D

There are several foods that contain vitamin D including fresh fatty fish such as salmon, herring, mackerel, and sardines. Hence, liver, mushrooms, and egg yolks are also rich in vitamin D. Some other foods that contain vitamin D include low-fat dairy products, grains, and margarine. All infant formulas also contain vitamin D.

Signs of vitamin D deficiency in children can be detected early. If you have any doubts about your little one’s condition, you can see a doctor. Prevents vitamin D deficiency in children, makes them grow and develop healthily.

Publisher: Aprilia

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