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Does the charge for using WhatsApp already have a start date? Look here!

A Half – responsible company Whatsapp, Instagram and Facebook – has announced that it will launch the paid version of the messaging app very soon. Named WhatsApp Premium, the service has not yet been officially announced, however some information is already circulating about it. Find out which ones are below!

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When will billing for WhatsApp use begin?

Many people also want to know what the Release date of the paid version of WhatsApp. Preliminarily it is necessary to clarify that the service does not yet have a deadline to start operating. What is known is that it will target messaging users who have a business.

Furthermore, in the new version of WhatsApp, the user will be able to connect up to 10 devices to the account and create links with the company name in the URL. In short, it will be an “improved” mode of the current WhatsApp Businesswhich allows up to 4 devices simultaneously and the ability to add links.

In other words, the focus will be on entrepreneurs and individual micro-entrepreneurs (My) who use the app to acquire customers and close sales. As for the value, the question still remains an unknown, to be resolved only at the launch of the service.

Fake news of the new whatsapp

WhatsApp Premium hasn’t launched yet, but that hasn’t stopped criminals from spreading fake news about it. One of them has the following “notice”:

”Confirmed … Tomorrow the free messages will end and whatsapp will start loading at 0.37 cents. Resend this message to more than 3 groups and it will be free for life. Pay attention to the ball, because it will turn green, do it and you will see. I’ve already sent it. “

According to the advice of WhatsApp, this message It is not real. The company reiterated that it doesn’t charge any cents for sending messages, being something completely free. All that is required is for the person to create an account on the application and have an Internet connection to have conversations with their contacts.

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