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“Doctor Reveals Two Ways to Avoid Common Cancer and Recognize Symptoms”

Doctor Reveals Two Ways to Avoid Common Cancer and Recognize Symptoms

Colorectal cancer is the third-most common type of cancer worldwide, and its symptoms are often dismissed, making it difficult to detect early on. However, Dr. Ursina Teitelbaum, a medical oncologist at the University of Pennsylvania, has shared two important ways to avoid this common cancer and recognize its symptoms.

1. Don’t ignore abnormal symptoms or ‘warning’ signs – even if you’re young

Dr. Teitelbaum emphasizes the importance of not ignoring abnormal symptoms or ‘warning’ signs, even if you’re young. Younger adults often dismiss strange symptoms, assuming they couldn’t be cancer. However, this mindset can be dangerous as health professionals may also have the same bias. Delayed diagnoses can lead to poorer outcomes, which is why it’s crucial to listen to your body.

Dr. Teitelbaum advises looking out for any changes in bowel habits, such as frequent constipation or noticing blood in your stool accompanied by abdominal pain. Other symptoms to watch for include unexplained diarrhea, fatigue, sudden anemia, and unexplained weight loss. If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s essential to consult a doctor. If you believe your GP isn’t taking you seriously, seeking a second opinion is advised.

2. Live an active lifestyle with a healthy diet – it really does help

Various lifestyle choices have been linked to colorectal cancer, including smoking cigarettes, consuming alcohol, and being physically inactive. Additionally, a person’s diet plays a significant role in their risk of developing colon cancer. A high consumption of red meats, processed foods, and confectionery items like biscuits and lollies has been associated with a higher risk.

Dr. Teitelbaum emphasizes the importance of living an active lifestyle and maintaining a healthy diet. While there is no perfect predictor for colon cancer, adopting a globally recognized healthy lifestyle can help in avoiding the disease.

To further highlight the significance of recognizing symptoms, the article shares the story of Talitha Akamarmoi, a fit and healthy nurse who was diagnosed with stage three colorectal cancer at the age of 29. Talitha experienced symptoms of chronic fatigue and iron deficiency for about six months before her diagnosis. Initially, doctors and colleagues attributed her symptoms to post-partum recovery and a “poor” vegetarian diet, assuming it couldn’t be anything serious due to her age. However, after multiple iron transfusions, a colonoscopy revealed a tumor in her large intestine.

Talitha’s story serves as a reminder that bowel cancer isn’t just an “old person’s disease.” She urges all young people to be advocates for their health and not dismiss any abnormal symptoms they may experience. Talitha underwent laparoscopic surgery to remove her right half of the colon and surrounding lymph nodes, followed by chemotherapy. Although the cancer had spread to four lymph nodes, recent tests show no current signs of cancer in her body.

In conclusion, it is crucial to pay attention to your body and not ignore any abnormal symptoms, regardless of your age. Recognizing the warning signs of colorectal cancer can lead to early detection and better outcomes. Additionally, adopting a healthy lifestyle, including regular physical activity and a balanced diet, can help reduce the risk of developing colon cancer. Bowel cancer can affect anyone, and being proactive about your health is essential in preventing and detecting this common type of cancer.


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