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“Do you only get infected at night, is it a baker virus?” – Free Daily

“We continue the strategy of terror and alarmism without thinking about the consequences of all this”. This is how he began Matteo Bassetti to comment on the new anti Covid squeeze launched by the government chaired by Giuseppe Conte. From Monday 17 August it will no longer be possible to carry out dance activities in discos and similar places: but that’s not all, because the obligation to wear an outdoor mask has also been introduced at a certain time slot, from 18 to 6. “The thing what is most striking of the alarmism – added Bassetti – is that it is not the doctors who have treated and treat this infection, but all those who have proclaimed themselves experts or miraculoused by Covid, including many doctors. I’m not interested in this game of massacre “. Then the director of the infectious disease clinic of the San Martino hospital in Genoa used a joke to explain the government’s absurdity regarding the new anti-contagion crackdown: “Know that in Italy the virus works and infects only in the evening and at night . Instead he rests during the day. Could it be a baker virus? I laugh to keep from crying”.

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