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Dmitry Guberniev Opposes Boycott of Olympics and IOC by Russian Athletes

Commentator Dmitry Guberniev opposed Russian athletes boycotting the Olympic Games and the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

“Only an idiot can now say that we need to boycott IOC and the Olympics. We will immediately be given an eight-year suspension after the boycott. Thank God that there are people in the country who, despite the complexity of the situation, understand that they are leaving the Olympic movement, putting some kind of ultimatums is not acceptable. It is still necessary to conduct a dialogue, to explain, to tell, to insist, and to the best of our ability to try to be a participant in this process. We will definitely be back and then all these idiots who are yelling about going out will tell the loudest how they love our athletes, ”Guberniev said in an interview with Sport24 correspondent Boris Meshkov.

2023-07-31 22:57:00

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