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DIY Car Dent Removal: Say Goodbye to the Body Shop and Hello to Savings

Goodbye car dent to the body shop

The body shop is a real nightmare for motorists, so here’s how to fix car dents independently and spending very little. Now it’s viral.

Every motorist has, at least once in their life, experienced the nightmare of a road accident or damage to their car. If there is a figure that can make motorists’ wrists tremble, that is definitely it the body shop.

Despite his essential role in repairing and bringing damaged cars back to life, the body shop often represents a source of worry and stress for anyone who finds themselves having to entrust their car in his expert hands.

Motorists have to deal with insurance bureaucracy, waiting times and, above all, the choice of body shop. The fear of entrusting your car to a professional comes precisely from often very high costs.

If in the past the immediate solution seemed to be a visit to the body shop, today there are alternatives that allow you to solve the problem independently and with a much smaller budget. Indeed, not all dents necessarily require the intervention of a professionaland many can be solved effectively and conveniently right at home.

Car dent removal: Do-it-yourself methods

The presence of dents on the body of the car can be annoying, but fortunately there are several DIY methods that can help restore the original shape without having to immediately resort to a body shop. Among the numerous home approaches, one of the most surprising is the use of the plunger, commonly known as a sink unblocker. After carefully washing the affected area, place the plunger on the dented surface and pull firmly until the bodywork returns to its original shape. This method is especially effective for small to medium sized dents.

In the case of dents on plastic bumpers, boiling water can be a precious ally. Pouring boiling water directly onto the dent will make the plastic softer and more pliable, allowing the warp to snap back into place. It is essential to act quickly, as the effect of the hot water will soon wear off.

Car dent

Less common methods

Among the lesser-known methods, thehairdryer can be used to heat the dent, making the plastic more ductile. Next, the use of compressed air, shot in the direction of the treated area, will cause the plastic to shrink, making the dent stand out. Wearing gloves and rubbing dry ice on the dent can be an effective method. Alternatively, you can heat the area with a hairdryer and then rub dry ice over the deformation. Repeat the process until the desired effect is achieved.

In the event that do-it-yourself methods do not lead to the desired results, there are specific tools, such as special suction cups, which can be purchased from specialized shops. However, these remedies are more suitable for small dents and do not replace the work of a professional.

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2024-01-31 16:03:47
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