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Dispute over Migrant Crisis at Eagle Pass, Texas Border: State vs Federal Authorities

Eagle Pass, Texas, in the United States, has become the scene of a growing dispute between state and federal authorities over how to address the migrant crisis.

The dispute revolves around a network.CNN“About who has authority over this part of the border with Mexico.

The channel’s Texas correspondent says that the dispute intensified on January 10, when state authorities prevented federal border guards from reaching an area in Eagle Pass, which witnessed a rise in migrant crossings.

This area includes Shelby Park, which is located on the Rio Grande, and is now “fenced with barbed wire that impedes the access of federal border guards,” according to a CNN report.

According to the same report, the intensity of the dispute increased again on January 12, after two children and a woman drowned in a nearby part of the Rio Grande River, which the local military administration assumed the task of securing.

The CNN report said that after this incident, Texas and federal officials began exchanging accusations of contributing to this tragedy.

In its narration of the sequence of events that led to the death of the woman and the two children, and the escalation of the dispute and confusion of surveillance operations, CNN said that on Wednesday, January 10, the Texas National Guard prevented the Border Patrol from placing mobile surveillance equipment inside Shelby Park.

In addition, Texas reportedly denied a federal patrol patrol access to several miles of the border, a law enforcement source said.

Around that time, state authorities began erecting razor wire, fencing and gates to close off access to neighboring Shelby Park, which lies beneath a bridge that federal marshals were using as a waiting area for migrants, according to Robert Danley, the chief field coordinator for U.S. Customs and Border Protection in Del Rio.

On Friday, January 12, at around eight in the evening local time, the National Immigration Institute in Mexico said that it had learned of the drowning death of two children and a woman, which occurred specifically in the Shelby Park area.

During the days that followed, the dispute escalated between the two parties, the Texas authorities on the one hand, and the federal authorities responsible for monitoring illegal immigration across the border, on the other hand, which caused the disruption of the arrest of illegal immigrants and the death of some of them.

Danley said, in a statement to the US Supreme Court, that the Border Patrol supervisor from the Eagle Pass station was informed of the three drownings.

CNN said in Previous report The number of illegal immigrant arrests in Eagle Pass, Texas, has dropped significantly, from thousands per day a few weeks ago, to only about 500 per day.

In its report on Saturday, CNN said that the drowning incident, as well as the rescue of other migrants on the American side of the Rio Grande River by Mexican authorities, “confirms that the state of Texas is steadfast in its efforts to control the border” in the region.

#Whats #happening #Texas #Mexico #border
2024-01-27 20:12:31

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