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Discover the WYD Experience in Lisbon: A Mini Gymkhana and Cultural Exchange with Cáritas Joven

A few days before leaving for Lisbon We share an activity developed by Cáritas Joven of Orihuela Alicante where we do a mini gymkhana to get to know a little more about Lisbon and who we travel with, Finally we prayed that God would guide our steps in this great experience.

The meeting of the WYD in Lisbon It was really surprising, the atmosphere that was lived with more than 150 cultures in one week It was really enriching and contagious, the faces of The joy with which we received each other and the immense hugs with which we greeted each other made my heart fill with more hope, At that time there were no cultural barriers, much less linguistic ones, we all felt at home.

These 7 days were of mutual benefit, spiritual growth, strengthening of faith and sharing life stories, beliefs and dreams with people from diverse cultures, this allowed me to broaden horizons and challenge individual perspectives; In addition to the meetings with WYD, we had the opportunity to live the experience with Cáritas Española where we met volunteers from other countries, it was fascinating as it was a moment to share community projects and charitable activities where we discovered more about what Cáritas does internationally, this allowed me to have a closer link with all the projects that young volunteers cover, in this space we also allowed ourselves to carry out a reflection on what it means to me to be a volunteer and the reason why we contribute to the well-being of those who need us most, Also inspiring the young people who belong to Cáritas Joven to carry with them the spirit of unity, compassion and service throughout our lives.

#carry #WYD #heart #Caritas

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