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Discover the Lucky Zodiac Signs Benefiting from Lord Saturn’s Vakra Nivarti and Sasha Raja Yoga

Every planet changes its signs from time to time. Apart from the rasi, the nakshatras, rise and position, vakra movement and vakra nivritti of the planets also undergo changes. Planets go in reverse motion in curved position. Saturn is considered as the most important planet in Vedic astrology. He is the slowest moving planet among all the planets. Because of this, his influence on the zodiac signs is also very high. Saturn takes about two and a half years to move from one sign to another.



Lord Saturn is currently in the curve of Aquarius. On November 4, he will complete the curve. When Vakra reaches its completion, Sasha Raja Yoga will be formed in Kumbha Rashi. The result of Lord Shani’s Vakra Nivarti is seen in all Rasis. However, with the benefit of Sasha Raja Yoga, the fortunes of the 3 zodiac signs will begin to shine like gold. Everything they envisioned may now be successful. Their happiness will be at its peak. In this post you can check who are those lucky zodiac signs.


For Aries natives, transiting Saturn in Aquarius will bring great benefits. Progress is seen in terms of property. Those who engage in business will get great wealth. All the tasks they undertake will be successfully completed.

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Saturn’s dasha period is very beneficial for Taurus. Sasha Raja Yoga will change their destiny. All your wishes will be fulfilled. You will make strong progress in your career. You will get golden opportunities in your career. Satisfying Shani’s curve will give you high position and big salary. You will get huge financial gains which will bring financial prosperity in your life. Business will expand. Those who are waiting for marriage will get married.

the lion

The Sasha Raja yoga formed by Saturn’s curve will give more benefits to Leos. Happiness will increase in your life. There will be happiness especially in family life. There will be happiness in married life. The relationship between husband and wife will be strengthened. Material happiness will increase. There will be many financial benefits. You will win all controversial matters.


Saturn’s dasha will give good days for Aquarius. Saturn, the lord of Aquarius, is now transiting in Aquarius. Saturn placement in Aquarius will boost self-confidence for this zodiac sign. You will develop relationships with people of higher rank. There will be financial gain. You will get good opportunities in work. Joint ventures can be successful.

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