Home » today » World » “ Disastrous too concentrated information ” linking the crushing Seoul accident and the collapse of India’s suspension bridge “ Sewol ” “ Crime and Punishment ” of the modern mobile environment that amplifies the constitution (1/5) | JBpress (JBpress)

“ Disastrous too concentrated information ” linking the crushing Seoul accident and the collapse of India’s suspension bridge “ Sewol ” “ Crime and Punishment ” of the modern mobile environment that amplifies the constitution (1/5) | JBpress (JBpress)

“ Crime and Punishment ” in today’s mobile environment that amplifies the constitution of “ Sewol ”

People search for a missing person who fell from a collapsed suspension bridge in India on October 30 (photographed October 31, photo: AP / Aflo)

The day after the Itaewon accident in Seoul, South Korea, on October 29, an accident was reported from India due to the collapse of a suspension bridge.

About 150 people lost their lives when the Jhulto Pul suspension bridge collapsed in Morbi, Gujarat, western India.

It was about 6:20 pm on Sunday, October 30th.

In this incident, the bridge broke and the fall pattern was recorded by a surveillance camera (https://www.indiatoday.in/india/video/cctv-footage-shows-people-shaking-morbi-bridge-moments-before-tragedy-2291378-2022-10-31), so please take a look at that moment first.

As of October 31, 141 people have died, but unlike Seoul, a river flows over the site making the recovery of the bodies difficult and the number of victims is expected to continue to rise.

It can be considered an accident of the same magnitude as the 154 victims of Itaewon.

In Japan, news coverage of the Itaewon incident was dominated by the number of Japanese casualties and the impression that the incident in India, albeit in the Asian country itself, is obscured.

However, this news is more widespread around the world (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-63445154)(https://edition.cnn.com/2022/10/30/asia/india-bridge-collapse-intl/index.html) Has been reported.

One of the big reasons is that there is a video showing “that moment” (https://www.indiatoday.in/india/video/cctv-footage-shows-people-shaking-morbi-bridge-moments-before-tragedy-2291378-2022-10-31), because the direct reason for the bridge break is clearly seen.

Watch the video carefully.

Several playful youngsters are deliberately swinging the bridge. According to the testimony of the survivors, the number was about 20-30 people.

In the middle of the vortex, the suspension bridge suddenly seemed to split in two near the center, and on the video screen, all the metal fittings connecting the bridge’s floorboards to the cable broke off and the audience collapsed. going to fall.

There is no guarantee that the children who were joking in the last major earthquake will be safe. There is a high probability that you are among the victims.

A boy dressed in white can also be seen falling and the actions and individuals can be identified, so parents and related parties are sure to have a headache.

Whether or not these funny children are simply “victims” is now rigorously questioned by international public opinion.

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