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Disabled seniors have more opportunities to be active

It is not uncommon for people of retirement age to suffer from an increasing feeling of loneliness. According to Vilnius University research data, four out of five seniors do not have a single person important to them, except relatives. According to specialists, sports, volunteering or participation in other activities would help to realize oneself, discover a new community and arouse greater satisfaction with life.

Although having a disability creates even more obstacles for seniors to be active, Evelina Gvergždienė, head of the Social Services Community Department of the Kaunas City Social Services Center (KSPC) for social affairs, said that more and more disabled seniors are becoming interested in the assistance provided to improve their physical and psychosocial condition.

Suitable, comfortable physical activities are found for each disabled senior based on their health. photo from freepik.com

More and more seniors are applying

According to E. Gvergždiene, the need for social services for each person is assessed individually, taking into account the individual’s independence.

“Sometimes seniors do not dare to apply for social services, because the services are paid for.” Payment for social services depends on a person’s income. Services are not paid for those whose income does not exceed 314 euros”, she said, adding that each municipality decides individually on the procedure for paying for social services.

Be that as it may, the specialist notices that more and more seniors and their relatives are applying for social services: “Some are looking for meaningful activities in day care centers, others are looking for help at home due to health restrictions. We see that the need for social services keeps growing.”

The decline of service recipients in day care centers was felt during the coronavirus pandemic. Because the fear of contact communication at that time influenced the seniors’ decision to have services provided at their homes. “Currently, the situation is changing and, having noticed the senior’s doubts about visiting the day care center, we invite him to spend at least half a day there. Then the senior has the opportunity to get to know the employees, activities, and see the daily routine. This makes it easier for the senior to make a decision,” she said.

Strengthens physical health

According to the KSPC representative, the recipient of services at the day care center participates in group sessions with an occupational therapist every day, where morning exercise is performed. “When the weather is good, morning exercise takes place in parks or other open spaces,” she added.

Depending on the state of health, individual physical classes are held for seniors: they are given the opportunity to ride a bicycle, balance training simulators, arm and leg trainers are used to strengthen coordination.

Balls, massage rollers, ergotherapy mass, wheels for fine motor skills and hand sensitivity improvement are used for individual sessions. The “Bioptron” lamp is used for light therapy, which is intended for treating wounds, scars, improving post-traumatic conditions, and relieving pain.

“For every disabled senior citizen, we find suitable, convenient and acceptable ways to improve their physical health according to their physical capabilities,” said E. Gvergždienė.

Psychosocial well-being is emphasized

Psychosocial health is inseparable from strengthening physical health. E. Gvergždiene noted that the recipient of services at the day center has the opportunity to receive individual or group counseling by a psychologist.

In addition, there are various relaxation techniques, mandala coloring, aromatherapy and other activities.

“The organized activities of the employment specialist encourage seniors to spend their time actively through board games, solving crossword puzzles, and brainstorming. The specialist shared her experience about the favorite pastime of seniors – trips to nature, museums, cinema or exhibitions. “Communication and discovery of joint activities, new experiences bring them great joy.”

Where can I get more information?

According to the data of the Ministry of Social Security and Labor of the Republic of Lithuania (Ministry of Social Security and Labor of the Republic of Lithuania), social services for people with disabilities who need assistance are provided in all municipalities of the country. Persons with disabilities, their family members, guardians or relatives who wish to receive social services that are allocated and partially financed by the municipality must apply to the municipality, ward, social worker or institution providing social services of the place of residence.

Social services can be provided in a person’s home, municipal institutions, non-governmental organizations, communities.

General or special social services can be assigned and provided according to the social service needs of a person with a disability and his family determined by a social worker.

More information on improving the physical and psychosocial condition of disabled seniors, compensation amounts and other relevant information can be found on the websites of the LR SAM and the LR SADM www.sam.lt, www.socmin.lt.

Uzsak. No. SAM-18

#Disabled #seniors #opportunities #active
– 2024-04-15 00:42:22

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