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“Diocesan Caritas of Teruel and Albarracín Celebrates 60 Years of Service and Looks to the Future with Discernment and Hope”

Our Diocesan Caritas of Teruel and Albarracín meets 60 years of service whose dignity and the right to actively participate in a society that is supposed to be inclusive is reduced.

With our sights set on the horizon of continuing in our mission, we believe that it is convenient and opportune to dedicate a time to discern the paths that our Caritas is called to follow in the coming years.

We are aware of the complexity of reality, of personal and community suffering, but we are also living a hope time. Cáritas is called to be today more than ever a place of hope on the borders of precariousness and exclusion.

We want to see the Caritas we dream ofthe one we want to be, the one we should be, the one we can be… We must dream of this Cáritas all together, volunteers, workers, partners, people we accompany, believers, non-believers… Everyone’s vision is necessary to design our Cáritas for the 21st century.

In order to start this process of reflection and discernment we have prepared two presentations, to which everyone is invited to attend.

  • 03-05-2023 – Presentation: “Building new paths” In charge of Vicente Martín Muñoz Delegate of Cáritas Española
  • 17-05-2023 – Presentation: “Caritas, building community” In charge of Aurora Aranda Heras Secretary General of Cáritas Valencia

Place, Cloister of the Bishopric, at 7:30 p.m.

#Caritas #21st #century #Diocesan #Teruel #Albarracín

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